Sunday, January 3, 2016

Types Of Extra Marital Affairs

There are many types of extra-marital relationships, and while all of them are terrible betrayals of the trust and love between the couple, it directly affects the chances for survival of the marriage. Affairs are loaded with romanticism, morality, mythology, and intense emotions. They're not really about sex, but about pain and fear and the desire to feel alive. They're also about betrayal. Affairs need not necessarily wreck a marriage or result into divorce. There can be a number of reasons to start an extra-marital affair and a number of causes triggered by one spouse can be incidental to initiating an affair. What is most important is to know what has gone wrong in someone’s marriage and what he or she can do to undo it. Their cooperation and efforts is what will save their marriage.
Someone’s relationship will in fact be a lot stronger if he or she comes through this because what comes out during the course of an affair is that there were a lot of problems in their relationship and its time them to sat down together and evaluate where their went wrong. They are bound to take positive action to solve underlying problems in order to save their marriage and ultimately the bond between the two of them strengthens. Before they can decide what to do with the affair in their life they need to know what it means and what its types are.
They are,
  1. ·         One night stand
  2. ·         Emotional outbreak affair
  3. ·         Emotional-Sexual Affair
  4. ·         Sexual addiction affair

1 comment:

  1. Hi,You have written such a wonderful post that I must congratulate you.It is really unfortunate that extra marital relations are on the rise. One of the many reasons for extra marital affairs is when two people spend long hours together in their workplace,it results in mutual attraction and hence indulge in extra marital affairs.

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