One of most important lecture
among guest lecture series was the lecture on Personal Character. The benefit
of this lecture cannot be explained by words. I experienced the facts discussed
under this guest lecture by applying those in my day to day activities.
Personal character
categorize as below. That can be described as collection of many behavioral
attributes which exists in human beings and can be different from one person to
- Engagement of Right behaviors and use of Right Words
- Personal
- Aggregate of Special Qualities
- Morality
- Set of persistent qualities
- Real nature
- Inward desire to do right at any cost
The nature of the
person as good or bad depends on the morality and the civility of that person. Everyday
People are learning. Virtues are the collection of good things, good thoughts
and good experiences that people have learned in the movement of their lives. I
learned what are the virtues, Different natures that virtues can be existed; they
are mostly discussed under following important aspects of Human beings.
The extent of various
virtues which are inherent and possessed by us can be evaluated by using
indexes. The Lecture of Personal Character trained us to evaluate us ourselves.